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Building a Legacy

Legacy is a weighty word.


The best definition the online dictionary gives for legacy is “the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life.”


The impact I’m most concerned about is what others will believe about Jesus because of my life. As a follower of Jesus, I want to spend time effectively because leaving a legacy of faith is paramount. I want others to see my faith in action so they’ll remember Jesus long after I’m gone, and the primary target or bulls-eye, of course, is my own family.

Discipling my children is still on my radar, even though they are married with kids of their own. This long-term, resolute investment in them has also granted me abundant opportunity to spend quality time with my grandchildren too. Last summer I started “Summer Dates with Grandpa.” I took three of our granddaughters on a date for a full day. I carefully crafted each date to coincide with the special interests of each girl.


For example, the eldest loves animals so I took her to the zoo, we had lunch together, and we made a trip to the Bulk Barn to buy candy (one of her dad’s favorite stops when he was a kid).


The second in line is a Highland Dancer, so I set up a ballroom dance lesson and we both learned to waltz. We practiced and practiced, and laughed till our sides were sore, then we had lunch, I took her to see one of her favorite movies, and finally, we stopped at the Bulk Barn on the way home.


Granddaughter number three enjoys arts and crafts. We found a ceramics shop where we fashioned a heart-shaped jewellery box that she painted and fired. We also visited the local Art Gallery, enjoyed lunch at a chic restaurant where the wait staff made a big fuss over her, and (guess what?) we stopped at the now-famous Bulk Barn!


However, the most important moments in each of those “Summer Dates with Grandpa” were spent talking about Jesus, his love for us, and how we must draw closer to him. In the spirit of Deuteronomy 6:4-9, God gave me gracious openings to add to the spiritual legacy building in them. We talked about Jesus when we ate, when we walked, when we worked with clay, when we admired art, and after we watched the movie. We quoted Scripture verses we each had memorized. All for Jesus!


Building a spiritual legacy takes time, effort and intentionality. It is one of the most important investments we can make in the lives of our loved ones and those we meet along the way. The apostle Paul urged Timothy to set an example “in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).  How are you doing that in your family?


I think of Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, Paul writing from jail to tell others about Jesus, Billy Graham preaching to millions, and my own mother-in-law Marg, who lived a life of integrity, laughter, and quiet humility. The legacy they left inspires me to think about what kind of heritage I want to leave.


Dads bring essential momentum to their home. The importance of a father can be seen physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and relationally in a family. As a grandfather, part of my role is to support my son and son-in-law as they bring momentum to their homes and their families. “Summer Dates” is part of the plan. I do what I do as a grandfather to help them father their families with more effectiveness.


With all my heart I believe fathers and grandfathers can add much to the spiritual heritage of godliness. Their strength can be powerful, their words can be fueling and inspirational, hugs from a dad or grandpa can be deeply comforting, their smiles can instill joy and confidence, their guidance can be life-changing and foundational, their correction can be life-saving and life-giving, and adventures with dad can be exciting and memorable. As a grandfather I am trying to reinforce all of that, and more.


Men, your impact matters. Let’s build legacies that make much of Jesus and the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).



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