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What are others saying about WORDfirst and Garth's ministry?


Reg Andrews, Peoples Church, Toronto, Ontario says, "Dr. Leno has the important skill of connecting warmly with an audience right from the start. His sensitive use of humour is appropriate - never overdone. His biblical exegesis is sound without being laborious. Drawing from a rich background of pastoral and missions ministry, he is able to bring poignant illustrations from his own life experience to make the Word alive and relevant to the listener. We at Peoples have developed a strong trust and appreciation for Dr. Leno's integrity in ministry. This is true of his character and of his ministry of the Word."

Dr. Arnold Cook,
C&MA in Canada

Dr. Arnold Cook, Former President of the C&MA in Canada and Ex-President of the Alliance World Fellowship (2000-2004)


I have known Garth Leno since his student days at Canadian Bible College (1977-81). Although a committed student for life, Garth has very effectively blended higher education with pastoral and mission ministries. Although Garth's wife, Patty, has special challenges as a mother at home, she has ministered with anointing alongside her husband on numerous pastoral mission trips. In my 20 years of visiting mission fields, they are the most effective pastoral care team that I have observed. They are people of integrity who hold their Biblical convictions strongly but express them gracefully.

Dr. Steve Masterson
Promise Keepers Canada

Dr. Steve Masterson, Promise Keepers Canada


Garth is a Holy-Spirit anointed and gifted man of God. He preaches and teaches with authority. His authority comes from the LORD as well as from the integrity of his life. I personally have been ministered to by his life, his marriage, his role as a husband, father, and leader. Garth has received God's calling and gifts of preaching and teaching.

John Friesen
Fair Havens Ministries &
Muskoka Bible Conference


John Friesen, Former Executive Director, Fair Havens Ministries Family Camp & Bible Conferences, currently Executive Director, Muskoka Bible Conference


It is my privilege to recommend Dr. Leno as an effective teacher in the context of conference and retreat ministry. As a teacher at our Family Camp & Bible Conference, Dr. Leno demonstrated a special gift of communicating the truth of Scripture coupled with practical life application to adults of all ages. He quickly engages the audience for high impact teaching. His transparency in his teaching and communication style quickly earns him credibility with everyone. His Biblical knowledge and proper, relevant application of God’s Word to our society is unquestionably effective and I can recommend him to you without reservation.

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